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Our Rawdah Series Islamic Studies Handbooks are designed particularly for Indian students, keeping in mind the local culture and the environment our children are living in. And as a high priority, it focuses on the fact that the students be enriched with the authentic knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah according to the understanding of the pious predecessors (As Salaf Uss Saaliheen) and provide a knowledge base that could help the Muslim youth to maintain their Islamic identity and be among the representatives of Islam manifesting its teachings and to make them among those who strive to get closer to Allah and also be among those who will benefit this Ummah with this beneficial knowledge, In Shaa Allaah. 

A unique curriculum has been set for all levels right from KG to Grade Twelve. The instructional content is arranged in the following order for primary and secondary grades:

  •  Aqeedah

  • Fiqh

  • Seerah

  • Akhlaq and Adab

  • General Issues

 These five areas are detailed at each grade level, keeping in mind the age appropriateness, with the level of detail increasing as we move up the grades.


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Grade 7 Key Book

Grade 7-Rawdah Series Islamic Studies

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